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Presocratic Fragment Dispenser

     [Part of the Speaking Javascript project.] Description Display asks user to select which presocratic they want to hear from. The user can choose if they want a randomly generated quote or a searchable list of all fragments. Then the user goes to...

Project Ideas

[Part of the Speaking Javascript project.] I will use this post to roughly sketch out project ideas. I’ll create individual project pages when I am ready to go into more detail with a specific project. Presocratic Fragment Dispenser Display asks user to select...

GitHub Repo Gallery

F[Part of the Speaking Javascript project.] This is the second of two vanilla JS projects I did for my recent front end developer course on I’m going to describe how the user experiences the program. Then I will create a logical overview of the...

Guess the Word

[Part of the Speaking Javascript project.] This is the first of two vanilla JS projects I did for my recent front end developer course on I’m going to describe how the user experiences the program. Then I will create a logical overview of the...