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From Codecademy. A basic example of the relationship between parent and child components.

App Functionality

App displays “Hey, my name is Frarthur.”

App parts

We only worked on Random.js and its child component Button.js
Other components in the project are Parent.compiled.js ; index.html ; styles.css

Functionality and connectedness of app parts

Parent.js imports { Child } from ‘./Child’
Parent.js consists of a class component Parent, and a ReactDom.render
Parent.js renders Child, passing it a props name={}
Child.js renders <h1>Hey, my name is {}</h1>


The class Parent has two methods:
constructor(props) that sets state like so: this.state={ name: ‘Frarthur’ };

render() that returns the Child component, and passes it the props name={}


The class Child has only a render() method that returns <h1>Hey, my name is {}</h1>;

Note that Child receives the name attribute from Parent via props, and that parent sets the state of the name in state.

Notes from Codecademy on this app:

Since Parent is supposed to be stateful, it will need to set its initial state. That means that it will need a constructor method.

Child is going to receive a prop called name, and display that prop on the screen.

How can you make a component display a prop called name?

  • To access a prop, use the expression

  • To make a component display something, include that thing in the render function’s return statement.

You need to include inside of Child‘s render function’s returnstatement.

In this app, Rendering <Parent /> will render both components, because Parent‘s render function returns a <Child />. Click Run, and see the rendered information that you passed down from Parent.

Don’t update props

A React component should use props to store information that can be changed, but can only be changed by a different component.

A React component should use state to store information that the component itself can change.


class Bad extends React.Component {
render() {
this.props.message = ‘yo’; // NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!